Work Overview
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Avoid Infections
When we cough or sneeze and especially through our hands, germs are spread generously over all surfaces. But how often do we actually disinfect our keyboards, displays, railings, door handles or sofas - let's be honest, not that often... A constant risk of infection in offices, daycare centers or supermarkets, actually in all public areas, is therefore given.
Actively Protect Material
There are areas that are highly sensitive and very susceptible to viruses, bacteria and mould, such as the refrigerated areas in supermarkets or doctor's surgeries. But the effort involved to keeping the surfaces permanently germ-free can also be very high, such as in elevators, on railings or handrails on escalators. Here, conventional disinfection methods quickly reach their limits.
Alternatives To Liquid Disinfection
Liquid disinfectants are not suitable for all surfaces or materials. Anyone who has ever spillt coffee over and into a keyboard knows that liquids and electronic devices do not get along very well. The same applies to materials such as wood, silk or leather. They are too sensitive and should not come into contact with liquids or certain ingredients.
How Many Germs Are Hiding Here?
Do you also think that public toilets are unhygienic? Then just drag the slider over the picture and you will be surprised how many germs are on a desk. The numbers are up to 500 times higher...