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Mehrere Personen (w/m/d) stehen zusammen und schauen auf ein Dokument in einer Bürosituation; eine Frau erklärt, die zweite lächelt, der Mann ist von hinten zu sehen, im Hintergrund ist eine Sitzgruppe mit einer Frau und ein Konferenzraum zu sehen.


Hygiene Solutions For Your Company

Do the free UVIS hygiene check now and let us find the perfect solution for your company together!

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More than 750 + customers trust us, among others:

Logo Neumarkt Galerie Köln
Logo DB Rheinlandbus

Our Areas Of Application

Germs lurk everywhere - they can infect you via surfaces or even the air. But modern technologies protect against infections in a wide variety of areas. Discover the possibilities!

Hand auf Rolltreppenhandlauf

Surface Disinfection

Hands touch surfaces and spread germs at lightning speed - not with us!

Frau atmet saubere Luft

Air Disinfection

Contagious viruses, bacteria or mold spread through aerosols in the air - let us stop them!



Doctor's Office

Public Authority



Effektiv zusammen arbeiten

Know-how Transfer

Think through familiar processes, adapt them to the latest developments and jointly tread new, individual paths - we are at your side!

Our Highlights

We are happy to share our knowledge in the field of disinfection technology and provide information about the latest trends. 

Here you will find a mix of technology information, news from the UVIS product world or current job offers.


Room Air Purifiers - An Objective Comparison By UVIS

Escalite keimfreier Handlauf

Hold On Securely - Germ-free Handrails


It's All About Germs - What Makes Us Sick?

Well, are you curious?
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